Digital Self Service

Deliver a modern customer experience

Enable members of the public and businesses to easily engage with your organisation.

Reduce the compliance burden

RegWorks enables people to manage their compliance obligations online. Saving time, streamlining administrative processes and improving overall productivity.

Self Service

Img regworks solutions page digital self service

Self Service

Self-service for individuals and organisations

Modern customer experience

RegWorks provides digital access to submit applications and enables users to track status at anytime from anywhere

Easy to use

Intuitive user interface, efficient guided digital forms, easy uploading of relevant documents and a better customer experience.

Access anytime, anywhere

RegWorks offers 24/7 access and real-time information. A central location for information and a complete record of interactions.

Be more responsive

Img regworks solutions page digital self service customer experience

Be more responsive

Be a more responsive and efficient regulator

Reduce processing times and fast-track decision making

Significantly reduce processing times for approvals and reviews. RegWorks automates workflows, digitises document management and streamlines administrative tasks, accelerating decisions.

Implement efficient workflows

Automate reminders and implement workflows with suggested next steps. Prepopulate information to enhance convenience and efficiency.

Make responding easier

Facilitate payment collection and simplify responses to requests for further information. Easily manage the renewals process. Reduce call centre volume and reduce effort in responding to enquiries.